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Jun 27, 2019

June 25, 2019 Council Highlights

Farewell to Council Members

The College recognized the contributions of outgoing Council members Kurisummoottil Joseph and Annette McKinnon and their years of service to public protection.

Operational Status Report


Strategic outcomes for Year 2 of the 2017-2020 College Strategic Priorities were delivered. View the Prezi presentation online and learn more about key areas of focus for the College.

Standards for Infection Prevention & Control

The Standards for Infection Prevention & Control (formerly the Standards for Infection Control) were approved and will be released later this summer. Until the release, the 2006 Standards for Infection Control remain in effect.

Council Education

Presentations on Good Faith and Risk Management as well as Financial Information were provided to Council. Council also participated in a roundtable presentation and discussion regarding the Cayton Report: An Inquiry into the Performance of the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia and the Health Professions Act.

Learn more about the role of Council and the College statutory Committees.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy - ICRC

Council approved a policy to help staff determine which complaints are suitable to be referred to alternative dispute resolution. ADR is an informal process for resolving complaints that includes ‘mediation, conciliation, negotiation or any other means of facilitating the resolution of issues in dispute’.

Controlled Act of Psychotherapy

An update was provided on the controlled act of psychotherapy. The draft regulation is currently under review by the Ministry of Health.

Learn how the College Council works to protect the public.