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How to Report Concerns or File a Complaint About an OT

Anyone can bring concerns about the conduct or practice of an occupational therapist (also known as an OT or registrant) to the College’s attention. This includes a patient, a client, a family member or friend of a patient, an employer, an insurer or a colleague.

Do you need accommodation?

To discuss how we can help you, please contact:

Investigations & Resolutions
Toronto: 416-214-1177 x220
Toll-free: 1-800-890-6570 x220

The College’s accommodation process is informed by respect for the dignity of each individual.

Our goal is to ensure full participation in the complaints process for all concerned.

Step 1: Review the complaints process

Learn about the complaints process below or contact us at 416-214-1177 or 1-800-890-6570 x220 to discuss the complaints process.

You may discuss the complaints process before you make a complaint, and do not have to share your name. When and if you decide to make a formal complaint, you will be required to identify yourself.

If you have concerns about the practice of an occupational therapist, you can contact the College's Investigations & Resolutions Team by email or phone to discuss the matter.

Step 2: Put together information about the complaint

Provide a detailed description of your complaint in writing (letter or email) or on a recording (film, disc, audio or video recording). Include the following:

  • Your full name (complaints cannot be made anonymously).
  • Your mailing address, telephone and email contact information.
  • The full name and address of the occupational therapist.
  • A clear statement that you are submitting a complaint.
  • Specific date(s) of the occurrence.
  • Detailed description of the occurrence and your concerns.
  • The names and contact for other occupational therapists, other health care practitioners or any others persons who may have relevant information.
  • Supporting evidence (for example, photographs, witness statements, etc.).
  • Discussions with the occupational therapist about the concerns (if you have raised the issue) and the outcomes.

Step 3: Submit the complaint

Use the Online Form:

File Your Complaint Online

Mail, Fax or Email the Complaint to:

Office of the Registrar
College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
20 Bay Street, Suite 900
PO Box 78
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2N8
Fax: 416-214-0586
Email: [email protected]

Frequently asked questions

See our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the complaints process.