Confirming information about occupational therapists

The public register of Occupational Therapists lists information about anyone who is, or was, a registrant of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario. 

On the register you can find up-to-date information about:

  • Registration status
  • Registration history
  • Certain College Investigations, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) outcomes
  • Disciplinary actions

The public register will confirm an occupational therapist is eligible to practice in Ontario.  It will tell you if an occupational therapist is allowed to practice occupational therapy in Ontario and if there are any restrictions on their practice. It will also provide important information about an occupational therapist’s disciplinary history and business contact information. 

All the individuals who are qualified and able to practice occupational therapy in Ontario are listed with a status of ‘registered’. Previous registrants of the College are also listed.

A detailed list of information that is publicly available on the public register is available here

What it means to be registered

Being registered with the College means that an occupational therapist: 

  • meets the requirements to practice, and 
  • is accountable to the College for their conduct and meeting the standards of the profession.

It is illegal in Ontario for someone to use the title “occupational therapist”, the initials “OT”, or any variation or abbreviation or an equivalent in another language if they are not registered with the College.

You can access the Register by clicking on the Find an Occupational Therapist (OT) button at the top of any page on our website.