All regulated health professionals are required to keep their contact and employment information up-to-date with their regulator. Changes to the information must be made within 30 days.

The College communicates by email and highly recommends that registrants provide a personal email rather than a work email.


  • Personal emails stay with you wherever you go. Moving or changing jobs does not impact access to personal email.
  • Personal emails are more private. Many workplaces have policies that allow monitoring of employee emails.
  • Personal emails are more accessible. Many workplaces restrict employees’ ability to access emails when they are out of the office. Firewalls may also block emails, even from safe senders such as the College.

Remember, personal emails should be just that—personal to you and not shared with anyone else inside or outside your household. Some emails might contain personal information about you or others (such as clients) that even a trusted person in your household should not access.

Email is an easy, convenient way of ensuring you receive important information from the College such as:

  • Notices for renewal and Quality Assurance requirements.
  • Notification if a complaint about you has been received by the College.
  • Consultations, opportunities and the College’s monthly newsletter.

It is easy to update your email by logging into the COTO Portal. While all registrants will have the opportunity to do this during annual renewal, which starts April 1, 2025, making this change now will ensure you’re not missing any important messages from the College.

The College does not publish your personal emails on the public register or disclose them to any third party, such as an insurance company, without your consent.