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Notice: The 2024 Annual Learning Plan is now available in the COTO Portal.
Set your goals and come back to describe their impact by October 31, 2024.

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Aug 23, 2017

Information Included With Your 2017-2018 Registration Seal

2017-2018 registration seals have been mailed to all members who renewed their College registration for the current year. Important information included with the mailer is posted below for quick reference. Please contact [email protected] or 416.214.1177/1.800.890.6570 x236 with any questions. 

  Spend some quality time

We’ve launched the new MyQA to handle your Quality Assurance requirements. Log in and take a look. QA deadlines have changed too. Your Self-Assessment and Prescribed Regulatory Education Program are now due October 31, and your Professional Development Plan on May 31.

Note the time to renew

The deadline for annual renewal has changed from June 1 to May 31, as of 2018 renewal. It’s important to be on time, to avoid a late fee or suspension of your registration (which will appear on the public register at Find an OT).

  Be sure you’re insured

Maintaining professional liability insurance that meets College requirements is a must - and so is notifying the College, within 30 days, of any policy changes. OTs whose insurance details aren’t up-to-date may be subject to a fine. Learn more online and log in to make any changes.

  Tell people how easy it is to Find an OT

It’s one stop to search and verify information at Find an Occupational Therapist. This public register lists everyone who is, or was, registered with the College. Encourage clients and employers to use the register to find the most up-to-date details. Check under For the Public for a rundown of what information is and isn’t currently available on the register.

  Save room in your wallet

We no longer issue wallet cards. You can find all information previously printed on those cards under your name at Find an OT.

Download receipts easily

With the move to more online transactions, tax receipts are no longer sent in the mail. Just download them when you log in through

  Get out of a bind

The most up-to-date College resources are now available online. We no longer issue binders and you don’t have to maintain or retain your binder anymore. Watch for email notifications about new College resources.

  Look for the answers

Have a question about practice issues? Our Practice Resource Service provides private and confidential support to OTs, clients, the public and other stakeholders. Email [email protected] or call 416.214.1177/1.800.890.6570, x240.

Know what to report

The College relies on OTs, their employers and other regulated health care professionals to keep patients safe. In a number of situations, there are legal obligations to file a report. Learn more online. It’s your duty.

  Link, tweet and follow

Connect with us on social media to get the latest College news and updates. We’re on YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter. Watch your email for our electronic newsletter and stay subscribed.

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