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Sep 4, 2019

Quality Assurance Program: Interim Process - 30 registrants to be selected in December

The College is developing a more efficient and effective process for selecting OTs who would benefit from in-depth assessment of their skills and knowledge. The new process will be called Competency Assessment.

Until the new process is in place, we will not be using the old selection process, which involved feedback surveys from clients and colleagues. Instead, the College will randomly select 30 members for on-site peer and practice assessment.

This means that an experienced OT with training from the College will visit each of the 30 selected members where they work. They will review client records, ask questions, and prepare a report for the Quality Assurance Committee.

Based on any needs shown in the report, the Quality Assurance Committee will determine the next steps to support the member with tools and resources to help them better meet the Essential Competencies and Standards of Practice. The process is part of the College’s legal duty to ensure that members can competently deliver safe, effective, and ethical care.

For the 2019/20 registration year, the selection process will take place in December 2019. The College will randomly select 30 members who:

  • Are working in clinical practice.
  • Have been registered with the College for at least 5 years.
  • Have never been selected before.

The College will be providing more information and resources about the process soon.

Questions? Please contact [email protected].

Click on the image below to download a flow diagram of this year’s process.
