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Set your goals and come back to describe their impact by October 31, 2024.

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Sep 20, 2021

Pilot of New QA Screening Tool Now Underway

The College has begun piloting Step 2 of the new Competency Assessment process – the screening step.
In August, a sample of registrants were notified of their participation in Competency Assessment. The selected registrants are required to complete their screening tool by September 30th. This screening tool involves answering short-answer questions related to various practice scenarios. The questions are designed to identify how registrants manage common root causes of competency and practice concerns to indicate if further assessment may be required. Every selected registrant will also participate in a peer and practice assessment to help the College validate this process. If additional registrants are required to participate, they will be notified of their selection by the end of September.
The Competency Assessment process is one important way the College provides meaningful feedback and tools to help registrants make practice improvements. In the coming months we will be updating our website with more information about these steps.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact [email protected].