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Feb 22, 2022

Now Available: Culture, Equity, and Justice in Occupational Therapy Practice

The College is excited to announce that our resource Culture, Equity, and Justice in Occupational Therapy Practice is now available.

These materials are a starting point for the College as it begins to help occupational therapists to best apply principles of culture, equity, and justice in practice.

You can also download this resource in English and French (PDF).

Watch our video to learn more about the development of this project


We encourage you to take some time to review the guidance, and become familiar with the material. The Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada 2021, and specifically, Domain C, provide the foundation for much of the content.

Once you have reviewed the material, please complete the survey and share your feedback and suggestions.

The College will be hosting a mid-day webinar to introduce the materials in the spring. Watch your inbox for an invitation to register if you are interested. The webinar will be recorded.

Questions? Contact the College Practice team at [email protected].