QuestionWhat are the consequences of not updating my information with the College?

Answer:  If you have not updated your information within the required timeframe and this is brought to the College’s attention, the issue may be investigated by Investigations & Resolutions (I&R) staff.

You are required to update the College within 30 days of a change to your information, including, but not limited to: your name, home address, email address, and employment information, including your business address and business telephone number. 

Additionally, if concerns about a registrant’s conduct are reported to the College, I&R staff  will cross-check details against the information in the College’s register. If it appears that a registrant has not updated their employment information or other required details, this can become an additional concern to be investigated.

Be proactive and minimize future issues by regularly checking that your information is up to date with the College. Make sure you are familiar with the complete list of information that you are required to report to the College within 30 days of a change occurring by reviewing Bylaw 16.01.2 as well as the College’s online resources.
