When the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) reviews an investigation where the concerns are very serious and remedial action may not be appropriate, they will refer the matter to a discipline process.
The discipline process is more formal. A hearing is held, similar to a tribunal or even a court case, where documents are entered into evidence and witnesses may testify. A panel of at least 3 people, made up of occupational therapists and members of the public will make a decision at the end about whether the occupational therapist committed professional misconduct.
Decisions by the discipline panel can include suspensions and revocations of an occupational therapist's license, along with other potential penalties.
Discipline hearings
A discipline hearing is the most serious proceeding that a regulated health professional can face as it does carry the risk that an OT can lose their license temporarily or permanently.
Hearings are generally public, however, some portions may not be to protect witnesses as an example.
The Discipline process is governed by the College’s Rules of Procedure.
Discipline Committee Rules of Procedure: English | French
Discipline decisions
Any disciplinary decisions are made in the best interests of the public and a summary of the decisions are available online at Find an Occupational Therapist at the conclusion of the hearing.
A copy of the full text of any discipline decision summarized on Find an Occupational Therapist may be requested from College staff or for decisions made on or after December 2017, is available on CanLII (The Canadian Legal Information Institute).
Find an Occupational Therapist is a public directory of occupational therapists who practice in Ontario.
Upcoming discipline hearings
Dave Kaminski
View Notice of Hearing
Hearing dates: Not yet scheduled
Danielle Naumann
View Notice of Hearing
Hearing dates: October 16, 2024 — 9:00am to 1:00pm
If you wish to observe the electronic hearing, please register by contacting [email protected] at least 48 hours prior to the hearing’s starting time.
Observers will be asked to register by providing their name and telephone number. Once they have registered, observers will be sent information about how to access the virtual hearing.
Please check the schedule regularly for any changes as hearing dates/start times may be rescheduled at short notice.
Avis d’audience prochains
Dave Kaminski
Afficher l’avis d’audience
Dates d’audience : Pas encore prévues
Danielle Naumann
Afficher l’avis d’audience
Dates d’audience : 16 octobre 2024 de 9h00 à 13h00
Si vous souhaitez assister à l’audience électronique, veuillez vous inscrire en contactant [email protected] au moins 48 heures avant le début de l’audience.
Les observateurs seront invités à s’inscrire en fournissant leur nom et leur numéro de téléphone. Une fois inscrits, les observateurs recevront des informations sur la manière d’accéder à l’audience virtuelle.
Veuillez vérifier régulièrement le calendrier pour tout changement, car les dates et les heures de début des audiences peuvent être modifiées dans un délai très court.