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Jun 29, 2018

Guide to Discretionary Reporting of Fitness to Drive in Effect July 1, 2018

On July 1, 2018, amendments to the Highway Traffic Act, 1990 will come into effect. These amendments have specific implications for occupational therapists (OTs).

College Resources

The April 2018 Interim Guide to Discretionary Reporting of Fitness to Drive has been revised to clarify expectations for OTs related to Consent, Privacy and Access. These changes provide considerations for how OTs might apply discretionary reporting within their occupational therapy practice. The Guide to Discretionary Reporting of Fitness to Drive replaces the Interim Guide and is in effect July 1, 2018.

College Guide to Discretionary Reporting of Fitness to Drive – English

College Guide to Discretionary Reporting of Fitness to Drive – French

May 29, 2018 joint College/Ministry of Transportation Webinar on Discretionary Reporting

Discretionary Reporting Q&As

Ministry of Transportation Forms & Guides

In addition to the College Guide, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Medical Condition Report Form and How to Complete the Medical Condition Report Form are available through the MTO website  as of July 1, 2018. These materials are also available below.

MTO Medical Reporting Form 5108 (English)

MTO Guide to Medical Reporting Form 5108 (English)

MTO Medical Reporting Form 5108 (French)

MTO Guide to Medical Reporting Form 5108 (French)

The Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) Medical Standards for Drivers are the national standards used by MTO to driver fitness. The Standards are available here:

Additional Resources

OTs have asked about resources that might be available to assist with learning more about assessing fitness to drive. While the College does not have expertise in fitness to drive best practices, we have compiled a brief list of resources. The College does not endorse any of these resources and we encourage OTs to research and review specific conditions and impairments to determine what information will best support occupational therapy practice.

Parkinson Canada

- Parkinson’s Disease & Driving
- Newsletter (English)
- Newsletter (French)

Alzheimer Society Canada
- Driving and transportation


As always, if you have questions, do not hesitate to contact the Practice Resource Service with questions [email protected] or 1.800.890.6570 x240.