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Jun 26, 2023

June 22, 2023 Board Meeting Highlights

Board Orientation

Legal counsel facilitated a discussion with the Board regarding its role and responsibilities, the role of the regulator, and the public interest mandate of the College.

Year in Review

Accomplishments of year 3 of the 4-year strategic plan were shared by the Registrar & CEO. The presentation is now available on our website.

Review the College’s Strategic Priorities.

Enterprise System

College staff provided an overview of this key strategic project. The first phase of implementation has been accomplished with the launch of the new Quality Assurance requirements. Additional programs and services will be rolled out as the year progresses.

Finance Education

The Board received education on the structure for financial statements and reporting.

The 2023-2024 annual operating budget was approved as presented by the Finance and Audit Committee.

Learn more about the roles of Committees on our website.

Appointments to the Nomination Committee

The Board approved the proposed slate for the new Nomination Committee.

Read about how the public is participating in College governance as Community Appointees.

Governance Policy Review

Revisions to College Financial and Audit Governance policies were reviewed and approved.

Farewell to Departing Board Director

The College recognized the contribution of outgoing Academic Appointee to the Board, Donna Barker. Donna has served 6 years on the College Board of Directors and has contributed greatly to the work of committees.   She was thanked for her contributions and wished well on her future endeavours.

Learn how the College Board works to protect the public.