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Learning More: Additional Resources

Learning More: Additional Resources

This page contains a list of recommended resources to support occupational therapists as they continue to learn about culture, equity, and justice.

Please note that this list is far from exhaustive. Occupational therapists are encouraged to engage in critical reflexivity when determining where to direct their future learning.

Resources for the Practice of Occupational Therapy

This list contains resources that occupational therapists can access for additional information to support their practice.  It is organized into resources developed at provincial, national, and international levels.




Resources for Continued Learning

This list contains resources to help occupational therapists deepen their understanding of topics discussed in the Culture, Equity, & Justice practice document.

Understanding Intersectionality

Understanding & Challenging Oppression and Injustice

Uncovering Bias

Cultural Safety & Humility


Indigenous Rights

Truth & Reconciliation Health & Healthcare Land & Territorial Acknowledgements Additional Learning


Additional Resources



Gender Equality

Implicit Bias




Anti-BIPOC Racism

Anti-Indigenous Racism

Religious-based Care

Weight Bias

We will continue to listen and learn as we work together to move forward.

Please contact the Practice Resource Team at [email protected] or 1-800-890-6570 x240 with any questions or comments. If you have specific questions regarding resources, please contact the authoring organization.

Download the full document and provide your feedback

Download the Culture, Equity & Justice in Occupational Therapy Practice PDF

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Share your feedback and complete the survey

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