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You and the College: Understanding Professional Requirements

Download You and the College: Understanding Professional Requirements PDF: English | French

Every occupational therapist (OT) must meet their ongoing professional obligations. As a member of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario, you must:

Ensure your information is current and accurate

You are required to inform the College of any updates to your personal and employment information within 30 days of the change.

Learn more about updating your information 
Log in to the COTO Portal to update 

Have professional liability insurance

All occupational therapists, regardless of area of practice or practice status, must have professional liability insurance that meets the College’s requirements. Changes, including revised policy expiration dates, must be updated within 30 days of the change.

Learn more about professional liability insurance
Log in to the COTO Portal to update 


Self-reporting is a legal requirement for occupational therapists in Ontario. Self-reports may be submitted online through the registrant login.

Learn more about self-reporting 
Log in to the COTO Portal to self-report 

Complete Quality Assurance requirements

Every occupational therapist in Ontario is required to take part in the College’s Quality Assurance (QA) program, which has three mandatory requirements.

Learn more about your Quality Assurance requirements  
Log in to the COTO Portal to access MyQA 

Prevent sexual abuse

The College has a zero tolerance position towards sexual abuse of a client. This means that any form of sexual abuse, under any circumstances, is unacceptable. All occupational therapists should be familiar with current legislation that defines sexual abuse.

Consent by a client is completely irrelevant. Any sexual activity between a health professional and a client is still considered abuse under the law. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Learn more about sexual abuse
Standard for Professional Boundaries and the Prevention of Sexual Abuse
View the law

Submit mandatory reports

Occupational therapists must submit a report with a regulatory body in certain situations that could expose clients or colleagues to harm or injury.

Submitting a mandatory report is not optional. It is required by law. The report must be submitted in writing or online within 30 days. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Learn more about mandatory reports
Submit a report

Follow the rules and regulations

Every occupational therapist  must obey the laws governing their practice, such as the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, the Occupational Therapy Act, 1991, and College bylaws.

As members of the College, occupational therapists have a duty to meet practice standards; report suspected cases of child abuse, sexual abuse or incapacity; maintain the rules of privacy and confidentiality, and more.

Learn more about your professional obligations
View the legislation and bylaws
View the Standards of Practice

Stay informed

Stay informed about changes to laws, regulations, standards and guidelines by visiting the College website and reading all College communications, including emails.

View our newsletter archive
View A-Z Resources 

Have questions? We are here to help.

Email [email protected] or [email protected]

Call 1.800.890.6570 x240 or 0